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Berlin Lake Information/Resources

Scroll Down Below Graph to See More Resources

Berlin Lake Water Control Plan.png

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Other Links


The links below point to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website. 


They show the current and historic lake level, water temperature, and discharge for the last 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year.  To change the timeframe, click the appropriate button on the page's upper left-hand corner. 


If you scroll down to the middle of the page you can also enter a date range or the number of days before today and click the Change Time Span button. 



US Army Corps of Engineers Contact Information

Berllin Lake Office.png
Pittsburgh Army Corp Address.png
US Army Corps of Engineers.png
Pittsburgh Army Corp Phone Numbers.png

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Berlin Lake Association

Bob Conner - Webmaster

9980 Carters Ford Rd. Deerfield O

(330) 607-8639

Mailing Address: P.O.Box 54 Deerfield Ohio 44411

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